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Novembre 2016


Per festeggiare i 90 anni del Maestro, la Sala delle Cariatidi di Palazzo Reale sarà il fulcro della grande antologica che abbraccerà l’intera città e alcune delle sue sedi espositive più prestigiose. ARNALDO POMODORO Milano, Palazzo Reale e sedi varie 30 novembre 2016 – 5 febbraio 2017 Ingresso Palazzo Reale

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BUBBLE MACHINE by Elena G. Sotiropoulos “Bubble Machine”, David Medalla Certain spots even do not wash with soap, impurities of blood filling the streets do not
purify certainly with a good cleaning. We wash our hands every time they were dirty but if we wanted to wash the whole world we would

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IGNAZIO GADALETA: PUNTI-PITTURA+RADIANTI A cura di Francesco Tedeschi e Alberto Zanchetta Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Viale Padania 6 – 20851 Lissone – MB – – tel. 039 7397368 – 039 2145174 MAC LIVELLO 1: 24 settembre – 27 novembre 2016 – inaugurazione: 24 settembre 2016, ore 18:30 Mercoledì e

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Another vacant spaceBERLINLONDONLondon Biennalevideo film & live performances

metronomics/ synchronisation / syncopation/ another vacant space londonbiennale – berlin pollination 2016 november 2016 is a London Biennale invitational and selection to media artists of all disciplines, to be screened , and installed, where works are overlapped in sound and visual experimentation to evolve in a disturbance and interruption

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