Briser la glace
Curated by Session 25 of the École du MAGASIN
Collective exhibition, program of performances and events
Exibition from May 29 to September 4, 2016
Opening Saturday 28 May at 6pm
di Elena G. Sotiropoulos
Nella cornice di Grenoble, città racchiusa tra le montagne, sorge un importante Centro d’Arte contemporanea. Le Magasin riapre le porte con un nuovo progetto. “Briser la Glace” è un’esposizione collettiva con il comune intento di sperimentare le arti visive e sensoriali.
Tra i vari artisti che partecipano a questo progetto, Jacob Dahlgren e Leor Grady hanno maggiormente colpito l’occhio e l’immaginazione delle persone.
Quest’ultimo, in particolare, ha affascinato molte delle persone presenti all’inaugurazione con la sua immensa opera piena di significato.
“Untitled (Wall)”, è il risultato della sua ricerca sull’intimità prendendo in considerazione un oggetto di uso quotidiano: un semplice cuscino bianco. I cuscini insieme diventano un muro dal grande impatto visivo. Non finisce qui. Dietro questo muro compatto e soffice, la struttura è lo spazio dove le persone possono partecipare lasciando la propria impressione su cartoncini andando a riempire di parole il “foglio bianco” su cui poggiano morbidi i cuscini.
Non da meno, il primo artista sopra citato Jacob Dahlgren con il suo “wonderful world of abstraction” ha incantato grandi e piccoli.
Entrare nelle strisce di stoffa dai tanti colori, significa attraversare un mondo diverso da quello in cui siamo soliti vivere ogni giorno. Un mondo più simile a quello dei bambini, dei sognatori e di tutte quelle persone che vedono tanti colori anche quando sembra tutto nero.
Elena G. Sotiropoulos

Press Release
The summer exhibition Briser la glace of MAGASIN is curated by the members of the 25th session of the École du MAGASIN – Chen Ben Chetrit, Laura Caraballo, Eleonora Castagna, Chloé Curci, Giulia Pagnetti and Armance Rougiron.
The exhibition is a reaction to the specific context of the art center itself, MAGASIN. The show is an act of letting the audiences inhabit the art center and live it through the use of a distinctive scenography. The exhibition has been conceived as a dynamic space, presenting aspects of everyday life in dialogue with works of art.
A plural environment, containing a collection of functions and moments, hosts simultaneously audiences and art pieces. The exhibited art pieces tell the story of everyday life through active participation from an ironic, critical or ludicrous point of view.
The functional spaces provide a series of support structures for an active use. These several spaces, spread around the art center, enable the visitors to use it to dialog, share, play, relax, work, read, garden…
The core of the exhibition, conceived as an amphitheater, will present a public program of talks, conferences, projections and performances that will contribute to enrich the exhibition itself.
The Wonderful World of Abstraction, Västerås Konstmuseum, Jacob Dahlgren
The statement of this proposition is to present a certain mechanism which will transform an indifferent site into an accessible space full of life and possibilities. The works of art, coming from different and several context (public and private collections, interventions, site specific), will be articulated together as an invitation for the audience to take over the art center and to participate by having an intimate experience as much as moments of possible sharing and exchange.
The idea is to open up the barriers between the audiences and the contemporary art.
Selected pieces concretize the will to generate an interactive experience: dreamy and captivating video installations, kinetic assemblages, interactive and playful display, ways of new appropriation of pop culture and mass media, flashes of wit and sense of humor. Among those works, there will be also a new production: a site specific installation made by vegetal elements which will be in constant evolution.
Briser la glace (in English: Breaking the ice) supports exchanging knowledge and interdisciplinarity in order to reduce the audiences’ inhibition towards contemporary art.
Invited artists: Jacob Dalhgren, Goofy Press, Emmanuel Louisgrand, Pipilotti Rist,…
Founded in 1987, the École du MAGASIN is one of the first international curatorial study programs in Europe. It was set up to provide a professional environment for a rigorous combination of research and practice.
More information on
press contact:
Léa Deshusses – Head of Communications – Tel. +33(0)476216526
MAGASIN – Centre National d’Art Contemporain
Site Bouchayer-Viallet, 8 esplanade Andry-Farcy
38000 Grenoble – France –
Le MAGASIN est une association loi 1901, présidée par Mme Anne-Marie Charbonneaux, subventionnée par le Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication D.R.A.C Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes, la Région Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes, le Département de l’Isère et la Ville de Grenoble.
Ideal Reading – Goofypress / credits: Julien Villaret
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