SAN FRANCISCO SAT San Francisco has the highest year round probability of the best (coolest) weather: 59 degrees Fahrenheit, along with the numerous possibilities of 59 ft elevation. The Beatitude magazine was founded there in 1959. On December 12th, 2009 Ruthie Ayzenberg drove the family car that made a cross-country trip from Baltimore a few months earlier. Irina Danilova was riding with Ruthie and navigating. Trudy Levy and Mike Gutman were tracking the car from their house in San Jose. During this performance, which started at 11:55am at the very beginning of John Daly Blvd on the Pacific Ocean and finished at 3 : 24pm on Monterey Blvd at Southern Hwy, Mount Davidson was climbed (unexpectedly for the car’s old brakes and for Mike Gutman who used to live there back in the 70’s). Such legendary places as the Castro (59 feet elevation at intersection of Harrison Street and Treat Ave), Fisherman’s Wharf, Great Hwy, Geary Blvd (59 feet elevation between 10th and 9th streets) were passed. Ruthie also drove near San Francisco State University where she had a final exam earlier that morning.

SAN FRANCISCO SAT San Francisco has the highest year round probability of the best (coolest) weather: 59 degrees Fahrenheit, along with the numerous possibilities of 59 ft elevation. The Beatitude magazine was founded there in 1959. On December 12th, 2009 Ruthie Ayzenberg drove the family car that made a cross-country trip from Baltimore a few months earlier. Irina Danilova was riding with Ruthie and navigating. Trudy Levy and Mike Gutman were tracking the car from their house in San Jose. During this performance, which started at 11:55am at the very beginning of John Daly Blvd on the Pacific Ocean and finished at 3 : 24pm on Monterey Blvd at Southern Hwy, Mount Davidson was climbed (unexpectedly for the car’s old brakes and for Mike Gutman who used to live there back in the 70's). Such legendary places as the Castro (59 feet elevation at intersection of Harrison Street and Treat Ave), Fisherman's Wharf, Great Hwy, Geary Blvd (59 feet elevation between 10th and 9th streets) were passed. Ruthie also drove near San Francisco State University where she had a final exam earlier that morning.

San Francisco has the highest year round probability of the best (coolest) weather: 59 degrees Fahrenheit, along with the numerous possibilities of 59 ft elevation. The Beatitude magazine was founded there in 1959. On December 12th, 2009 Ruthie Ayzenberg drove the family car that made a cross-country trip from Baltimore a few months earlier. Irina Danilova was riding with Ruthie and navigating. Trudy Levy and Mike Gutman were tracking the car from their house in San Jose. During this performance, which started at 11:55am at the very beginning of John Daly Blvd on the Pacific Ocean and finished at 3 : 24pm on Monterey Blvd at Southern Hwy, Mount Davidson was climbed (unexpectedly for the car’s old brakes and for Mike Gutman who used to live there back in the 70’s). Such legendary places as the Castro (59 feet elevation at intersection of Harrison Street and Treat Ave), Fisherman’s Wharf, Great Hwy, Geary Blvd (59 feet elevation between 10th and 9th streets) were passed. Ruthie also drove near San Francisco State University where she had a final exam earlier that morning.

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