Hundred Years Gallery
From 3rd of December to 9th of January
13 Pearson St. London E2 8JD +44 (0) 20 3602 7973 – info@hundredyearsgallery.com
Events of the Week:
‘WHITEOUT’ by Jill Rock
Exhibition continues
‘The Waiting’
Saturday 14th of December from 7:30
For more info http://www.hundredyearsgallery.com/
Mask Making with Jo Roberts
Bitten By A Monkey
Sunday 15th of November from 3:00 – 6:30
WHITEOUT exhibition and residency by Jill Rock
Exhibition continues
Jill Rock has invited artists, musicians, poets, writers and performers to explore their relationship to WHITE whether it be scientific, social, mythical, psychological, religious or aesthetic. Celebrating that split second of WHITEOUT – the imagination is accessed and the artist has the freedom to improvise. In times when all points of reference are being eroded things are known by their shadow – the whiter the white the darker the shadow. Wherever in the world, painting fragments of wood picked up off the ground, Jill Rock tackles the problem of the relationship between object and subject, working where nature, culture and art meet.
Anna Burel, Anna Sikorska, Antonio Mena, Edward Smith, Elizabet Chojak-mysko, Gerald Shepherd, Jaime Valtierra, Jo Roberts, Jo Wonder, Jolanta Jagiello, Li Williams, Lorraine Clarke, Mary Lemley, M Gallego, Mervyn Diese, Miyuki Kasahara, Nicky Scott-Francis, Noel Macken, Raffaella Losapio, Richard Cardew, Sally Scantlebury, Thomas Cardew, Valentina Colella, Vittoria Biasi, Wayne Chisnall.
SOUND INSTALLATION: ‘Washing Machine Symphony’ by Frederik Lecok.

Performances this weekend at Hundred Years Gallery:
Saturday 14th of December at 7:30
‘The Waiting’ Performance night
An improvised event programmed by Jaime Valtierra. ‘The Waiting’ with Eve Tenenbaum, Sofia Figurido, Eloise Carles, Grassy Noel, Jill Rock, and Cos Chapman – a spontaneous overlapping of different disciplines and voices.
Free entry

Sunday December 15th from 3pm – 6pm:
Mask Making and Live music with Bitten By A Monkey + KMAT
The essential art of Mask Making. A Workshop with Jo Roberts, in preparation for the Saturnalia, a time of misrule – next Saturday evening, December 21st.
With live music:
Bitten By A Monkey – Structured improvisations by Roland Bates on piano, Dylan Bates on violin and Steve Myers on recorders
KMAT – Unstructured improvisations by Keisuke Matsui, guitar & electronics, Paul Shearsmith on trumpet, Catrinel Doran, voice, melodica & objects and Graham Mackeachan on bass & radios.

‘Saturnalia’ A Nigh of Misrule
Saturday 21st of December from 7:00
‘Gilgamesh’ Sunday Session III
Sunday 22nd of November from 3:00 – 6:30
Performances this weekend at Hundred Years Gallery:
Saturday 21st of December at 7:00
‘SATURNALIA’ A Night of Misrule
Hundred Years Gallery celebrates its second birthday and the Winter Solstice with masks, music and chaos. Join us as the world turns upside down for a night of misrule with Grassy Noel, Miss Roberts, Cos Chapman (Rude Mechanicals), and Jill Rock.
Free entry
Sunday 22nd of December from 3pm – 6pm:
‘GILGAMESH’ An interpretation by Richard Cardew
An interpretation by Richard Cardew of the ancient Mesopotamain epic of Gilgamesh, legendary ruler of Uruk, and his search for immortality. Reading by Jill Rock accompanied by Nicky Heinen (flute).
Saturday 4th of January at 7:00:
Post Coital Poetry WHITEOUT I: Celebrating in poetry and sound
Just when we thought we could relax we come crashing back into the New Year with a massive chaotic, anarchic WEEKEND of poetry and performance featuring Steve Micalef, Raga Woods, Penny Newell, Sarah Reilly, Richard Cardew, Catrinel Doran, Gerard Osenele Ukpan, Adam Bohman, Stephen Bird, Grassy Noel, Pete Woodcock, Bettina Schroeder playing electric ukelele, Mervyn Diese, Niall McDevitt, Mary Lemley, Ivor Kallin, Lorraine Clarke, Jolanta Jagiello, Jia-Yu Corti (performance based on Jill Rock’s Remember The Dance). Live sound transitions and fanfares from David Grundy and members of KMAT.
Sunday 5th of January from 3pm – 6.30pm:
Post Coital Poetry WHITEOUT II: Celebrating the female
The return of Richard Cardew – an afternoon of poetry celebrating the female, mathematics, debate and live electric ukelele by Bettina Schroeder
Prints, Artists Books & Cards for Sale at Hundred Years Gallery:
20% discount during December
We are open until 7pm on Sunday 22nd of December and have a wide selection of prints, artists book and cards for sale, by established and emerging artists. Do your last minute Christmas shopping and support your local gallery.
Free entry
For more info http://www.hundredyearsgallery.com/
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