June, 6-7-8, 2014
Projection of Murales per studio.ra, video and photomontage of images by 165 international artists, created and curated as a London Biennale 2014 Pollination project by Raffaella Losapio, the director of studio.ra Gallery, Rome (twinned with Euroart Studios).
6-7-8 Giugno, 2014
Gemellaggio di studio.ra con gli Euroart Studios di Londra
(Twinning studio.ra with Euroart Studios in London)
12th Annual Open Studios and Art Exhibition:
Murales per studio.ra twinned with Euroart Studios in London:
Euroart Studios in London and studio.ra contemporary Rome this year begin a new project of artistic and cultural interaction and exchange.
The 6-7-8 June 2014 will be screened in London at the Euroart Studios, the video of the 165 international artists participating in the Murales for studio.ra, a project conceived and curated by Raffaella Losapio, director of studio.ra – approved as the London Biennale Pollination 2014 from David Medalla, founder and director of the London Biennale and Adam Nankervis, international coordinator.
At the same time, the 6-7-8 June at 19.30 in Rome, at studio.ra, will be shown, such as exchange of visibility, the video presentation of the artists of Euroart Studios in London.
For decades in London and New York are well known and vital spaces managed independently by Artists, and Euroart Studios are a reality of this kind, where the artists in their ateliers, are also communicators and speakers of art created by themselves.
From next year studio.ra will trigger in Rome, in a similar fashion in London, a new circuit to fruition quite different from the traditional ones, as independent of any articulated structure of the art system. For this purpose studio.ra will organize the art walks, visits consisting of pitches at the Ateliers open (Open Art Studios), to make visible and to bring out works, research and personalities of excellent artists that the system of institutional and mercantile power of art statements fail to show and exploit as it should be.
A map structured, divided by area, then allow to groups of people, fans, collectors and tourists to travel to see the work of Italian and foreign artists working in the area, and get to know them personally charming in places where they are born their ideas and their creations.
Studio.ra will publish on the net portraits of artists in their ateliers captured by photographer Luciano Calvani and pictures or videos of their most important works, with links to their respective websites. In this way, the public, associating the authors, with their personalities, their respective works, can properly address the attention to the work and style of each artist, so choosing the Art Walk preferred.
This model is independent and is not meant to be in conflict with the existing, but promotes a revival of the figure and fully dignified life as an artist, through a possible “other way”, more direct, modern and smooth.
The resulting reduction of the excessive costs of intermediation and transport of the works in the exhibition spaces (galleries, museums, fairs, auctions) certainly will stimulate the interest of other users and at the same time make it more competitive and provide access to a new market for everyone.
Euroart Studios di Londra e studio.ra contemporanea di Roma iniziano quest’anno un nuovo progetto di interazione e confronto artistico culturale.
Il 6-7-8 giugno 2014 sarà proiettato a Londra, presso gli Euroart Studios, il video dei 165 artisti internazionali partecipanti ai Murales per studio.ra, progetto ideato e curato da Raffaella Losapio, direttore di studio.ra – approvato come London Biennale Pollination 2014 da David Medalla, fondatore e direttore della London Biennale e da Adam Nankervis, coordinatore internazionale.
Nel contempo, il 6-7-8 giugno, alle ore 19,30 a Roma, presso studio.ra, proietteremo, come scambio di visibilità, il video di presentazione degli artisti di Euroart Studios a Londra.
Da decenni a Londra e a New York sono molto noti e vitali gli spazi gestiti autonomamente da Artisti, e gli Euroart Studios sono una realtà di questo tipo, dove gli artisti nei loro Ateliers, sono anche comunicatori e diffusori dell’Arte da loro stessi creata.
Dal prossimo anno studio.ra attiverà a Roma, in modo simile a Londra, un nuovo circuito di fruizione del tutto diverso da quelli tradizionali, in quanto indipendente da qualsiasi struttura articolata del sistema dell’arte. A tale scopo studio.ra organizzerà le art walks, consistenti in visite itineranti presso gli Ateliers aperti (Open art Studios), per rendere visibili e far emergere opere, ricerca e personalità di artisti eccellenti che il sistema di potere dell’arte istituzionale e mercantile consolidato non riescono a mostrare e a valorizzare come invece meriterebbero.
Una mappa strutturata, suddivisa per area, permetterà quindi a gruppi di persone, appassionati, collezionisti e turisti di recarsi a vedere il lavoro di artisti italiani o stranieri che operano sul territorio, e di conoscerli personalmente nei luoghi affascinanti in cui nascono le loro idee e le loro creazioni.
Studio.ra pubblicherà in rete i ritratti degli artisti colti nei loro Ateliers dal fotografo Luciano Calvani e i video della rubrica “dentro gli studi” a cura dell’artista Eleonora Del Brocco, con i link ai rispettivi siti web.
In tal modo il pubblico, associando gli autori, con le loro personalità, alle rispettive opere, potrà indirizzare appropriatamente l’attenzione all’operato e allo stile di ogni singolo artista, scegliendo così l’Art Walk preferita.
Questo modello indipendente e autonomo non intende porsi in conflitto con l’esistente, ma promuove una rinascita della figura vitale e pienamente dignitosa di artista, attraverso una possibile “altra via”, più diretta, moderna e scorrevole.
La conseguente riduzione degli eccessivi costi di intermediazione e di trasporto delle opere negli spazi espositivi (gallerie, musei, fiere, aste) stimolerà sicuramente l’interesse di altri fruitori e nello stesso tempo renderà competitivo e più accessibile un nuovo mercato per tutti.
Euroart’s Annual Open Studios
OPENING TIMES: Saturday/Sunday 7/8 JUNE: 2pm – 6pm
Euroart Studios, Units 4, 5 & 6 – Gaunson House, Markfield Road, Tottenham, London, N15 4QQ.
Get to Euroart – London Art Studios
Euroart Studios
Founded by professional visual artist Lorraine Clarke and space projects quality consultant Nigel Young in January 2002, Euroart was originally established in leased industrial premises on Tottenham High Road, a few doors from Spurs Football Club. In 2009, Spurs purchased the site for development of a new stadium and Euroart was summarily issued notice to quit. Consequently, two warehouse units at Gaunson House were leased on 20-year terms, 34 workspaces created and 30 artists relocated from the High Road premises. In August 2011 a third warehouse unit was leased and an additional 36 workspaces created. The current 70 workspaces have the potential to host up to 80 fine artists, makers and creative businesses….
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