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Febbraio 2015


“SOPRA IL SOTTO – Tombini Art raccontano la Città Cablata” (Over the under – Manhole Art tells the story of a cabled city) An open air exhibition to show 24 manhole covers designed by some great protagonists of the Italian fashion world: (following the itinerary) Giorgio Armani, Just Cavalli, Etro,

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BERLINEventsvideo film & live performances

David Medalla MIRAGES II 12 February 2015 7pm / 19h Following his participatory impromptu on Staten Island last November 2014, when members of the New York art world came to join in his recent ‘Cosmic Propulsion’ entitled ‘Mirages’, the Filipino artist David Medalla will continue his aesthetic explorations into the

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OPENING – Photogallery by Diego Neón, performer argentino Título: “En los confines del cielo posé los dones del blanco” Curado por: Vittoria Biasi Artistas participantes: Daniela Monaci, Silvia Galgani, Luisa Mazza (Italia). V EDICION DE LA BIENAL DEL FIN DEL MUNDO “CONTRASTES Y UTOPIAS” Sección Valparaíso, Chile Del 31 de

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ROMETheatre & Dancevideo film & live performances

SGUARDI SONORI 2015 Time & Space 3 febbraio 2015 Teatro Lo Spazio – Roma Dalle ore 21.00 Sguardi Sonori 2015 , festival di arte e musica contemporanea organizzato dall’Associazione Culturale FaticArt (, si apre con una serata evento dal titolo Time & Space al Teatro Lo Spazio di Roma il

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IV EDICION DE LA BIENAL DEL FIN DEL MUNDO “CONTRASTES Y UTOPIAS” Sección Valparaíso, Chile Del 31 de enero al 15 de marzo de 2015 Presidente: Alberto Grottesi Errazu Director artístico: Massimo Scaringella Comité Curatorial: Vittoria Biasi, Fortunata Calabrò, Alessandro Demma, Micol Di Veroli, Massimo Scaringella, Maurizio Vanni. Auspiciada por

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