Deborah Wargon
(nuovo lavoro)
Vernissage: giovedì 3 maggio 2018 – 18:00/21:00
Durata: dal 4 al 17 maggio – orari: 16:30/19:00
Finissage: mercoledì, 16 maggio, dalle ore 19:00
Both my home and studio are collecting souvenirs which are representations of both time and music: dismantled clockworks – dials, pendulums, hands, wind-up music boxes, musical scores, metronomes, etc..
Times’ Prism is a small ode to these variations and combinations of toys and ideas.The title of the exhibition was given to me by Adam Nankervis of museumMAN who has followed my work for almost 15 years and with whom I have been most fortunate and grateful to have exhibited in his many and diverse museumMAN trajectories.
Sia la mia casa che lo studio raccolgono souvenir che rappresentano il tempo e la musica: orologi smantellati – quadranti, pendoli, mani, carillon a carica manuale, spartiti musicali, metronomi, ecc.Times’ Prism è una piccola ode a queste variazioni e combinazioni di giocattoli e idee.
Il titolo della mostra è stato ideato da Adam Nankervis del museumMAN che ha seguito il mio lavoro per quasi 15 anni. Mi considero fortunata e gli sono grata per aver esposto nelle numerose e diverse traiettorie del suo museo.
April 2018
Deborah Wargon erhielt 1983 ihr Diploma in Musik am Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne Australia. Es folgte ein Stipendium an der Akademie Schloss Stuttgart und ein MA Studium in Scenography an der St. Martins London & Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Utrecht, Niederlande. Als Violinistin war sie in mehreren Orchestern in Australian, Israel und Österreich tätig, als Komponistin war sie für mehrere Produktionen am Grant Street Theatre in Melbourne engagiert.
Seit 1989 komponiert und arbeitet sie an mehreren deutschsprachigen Theatern, u. a.: Theater am Goetheplatz, Bremen; Theater des Westens, Berlin; Kölner Schauspiel; Staatsoper Hamburg; Volkstheater Wien; Landestheater Linz; Thalia Theater Hamburg; Dojo Theater Bern; La Comedie de Saint- Etienne, France. Seit 2002 hatte sie auch Ausstellungen in Berlin, London und San Francisco.