17th May – 26th August 2012
In 17th May 2012 at 1pm will open ARTAPESTRY3 at the KunstCentret Silkeborg Bad in Silkeborg, Denmark, an international triennial exhibition with 38 artists participating, 51 contemporary tapestries, from 14 EU countries, all selected by a jury:
Lesley Millar, Professor, Textile Culture, British Academic & Curator, England
Yves Sabourin, French Cultural Official, Chargé de mission pour le textile et l’art contemporain, Frankrig
Kirsten Ortwad, Danish Sculptor, Køln, Tyskland
Hannu Castrén, Art Critic & Painter, Finland
Margareta Persson, Austria-based Swedish Art Professor, Østrig
Central for the exhibition are the manifold possible expressions in which the weavers experiment with new materials as well as methods of weaving.
“The jury were particularly impressed by the confident references to traditional tapestry techniques whilst at the same time firmly locating the work within current art discourse” juror Lesley Millar said in a statement.
Some of the top tapestry weavers from across Europe again submitted “diverse and vigorous” work (Millar). The jury has chosen to show the diversity and vitality of the tapestry genre.
ARTAPESTRY3 is a touring exhibition in Finland (Museum of Central Finland in Jyväskylä), Sweden (Kulturcentrum Ronneby) and France (Musée Jean Lurcat et de la tapisserie contemporaine in Angers) organised by ETF – European Tapestry Forum, the pan-European organisation of nine professional tapestry weavers was founded in 2001: Margrethe Agger, Anet Brusgaard (Denmark), Thomas Cronenberg (Germany), Aradna Donner (Finland), Fiona Hutchison (Scotland), Peter Horn (Germany), Anne Jackson (UK), Katherine Lavocat (France), Renata Rozsivalova (Czech Rep).
ETF seeks to encourage the continuing development of the art of tapestry weaving in Europe and raise the profile of tapestry as an art form, to provide a platform for tapestry artists. ETF wants to bring tapestry weavers together for collaboration and cooperation; exchange of ideas. Run entirely by volunteers, Copenhagen-based ETF has also organized a series of master classes, and hosted an artist-in-residence in Skærbæk, Denmark, last year.
ETF defines tapestry as weft-faced works woven with discontinuous wefts. This constitutes a fairly strict focus on traditional tapestry, but leaves room open for experiments with materials. ARTAPESTRY3 includes works designed and woven in a digital jacquard process but with wefts laid in by hand.
In the past editions of ARTAPESTRY1, 2 presented in Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum in Aalborg, Krefeld Deutsches Textilmuseum in Germany, Luleå Konsthall in Sweden, Musée Jean Lurçat de la Tapisserie Contemporain de Angers in France, the jury consisted of: Edit Andras (art historian and art reviewer from Budapest), Wlodzimierz Cygan (tapestry artist and professor from Lodz, Poland), Annika Ekdahl, tapestry artist and educator from Sweden), Fiona Mathison (tapestry artist and educator, Edinburgh/Scotland/UK), Bernard Schotter (administrator of Les Gobelins in France), Archie Brennan (tapestry artist from the UK/US), Shelly Goldsmith (tapestry artist and educator from the UK), Jan Groth (artist and tapestry designer from Norway), Marcel Marois (tapestry artist and educator from Canada), Nina Hobolth (museu).
Artists selected: Carmen Groza (B), Eva Brodská (CS), Renata Roszivalova (CS), Margrethe Agger (DK), Annette Bredstrup (DK), Lise Frølund (DK), Mette Hansen (DK), Ane Henriksen (DK), Ulrikka Mokdad (DK), Sanne Ransby (DK), Randi Studsgarth (DK), Grethe Sørensen (DK), Ariadna Donner (FIN), Aino Kajaniemi (FIN), Inka Kivalo (FIN), Marie-Thumette Brichard (F), Katherine Lavocat (F), Sarah Perret (F), Christine Altona (D), Thomas Cronenberg (D), Peter Horn (D), Hanneke van Spaendonck (D), Iska van Kempen-Jarnicka (NL), Federica Luzzi (I), Iveta Vecanáne (LV), Feliksas Jakubauskas (LT), Brita Been (N), Dorthe Herup (N), Ann Naustdal (N), Anne Stabell (N), Kristin Sæterdal (N), Unn Sönju (N), Fiona Hutchison (Scotland), Joanne Soroka (Scotland), Eva-Britt Rosenqvist (S), Kirsten Glasbrook (UK), Anne Jackson (UK) og Jane Freear-Wyld (UK).
An English Colour Catalogue is available
Opening: Thursday 17th May 2012 at 1pm
The exhibition will be open: Tuesday-Sunday 10 AM – 5 PM (10h – 17h)
17th May – 26th August 2012
KunstCentret Silkeborg Bad
Gjessøvej 40, 8600 Silkeborg – Denmark
Telephone: 86 81 63 29 – Fax: 86 81 63 19 – E-mail:
e-mail inquiries
Thomas Cronenberg
Anet Brusgaard
17 Maggio – 26 Agosto 2012
Il 17 Maggio 2012 alle ore 13.00 inaugura ARTAPESTRY3 presso KunstCentret Silkeborg Bad a Silkeborg, in Danimarca, una mostra triennale internazionale che vede la partecipazione di 38 artisti con 51 arazzi contemporanei provenienti da 14 paesi d’Europa e selezionati da una giuria composta da:
Lesley Millar, Professor, Textile Culture, British Academic & Curator, England
Yves Sabourin, French Cultural Official, Chargé de mission pour le textile et l’art contemporain, Frankrig
Kirsten Ortwad, Danish Sculptor, Køln, Tyskland
Hannu Castrén, Art Critic & Painter, Finland
Margareta Persson, Austria-based Swedish Art Professor, Østrig
Centrale per la mostra sono le molteplici e possibili espressioni sperimentate dagli artisti tessili dell’arazzo attraverso sia nuovi materiali che innovativi metodi di tessitura.
ARTAPESTRY3 è una mostra itinerante in Finlandia (Museum of Central Finland in Jyväskylä), Svezia (Kulturcentrum Ronneby) e Francia (Musée Jean Lurcat et de la tapisserie contemporaine in Angers) organizzata da ETF – European Tapestry Forum, un’organizzazione pan-europea di nove artisti tessitori dell’arazzo fondata nel 2001: Margrethe Agger, Anet Brusgaard (Denmark), Thomas Cronenberg (Germany), Aradna Donner (Finland), Fiona Hutchison (Scotland), Peter Horn (Germany), Anne Jackson (UK), Katherine Lavocat (France), Renata Rozsivalova (Czech Rep).
ETF cerca di incoraggiare il continuo sviluppo dell’arte dell’arazzo in Europa come forma d’arte e di ricerca, e fornisce una piattaforma d’incontro per tutti gli artisti che lavorano in questo ambito. ETF intende riunire gli artisti tessitori dell’arazzo al fine di collaborare e cooperare insieme, sinergicamente, in un costante scambio di idee. Con base nella città di Copenhagen, ETF inoltre ha organizzato una serie di master classes, e l’anno scorso ha ospitato un’artista in-residence a Skærbæk, in Danimarca.
ETF definisce l’arazzo come un tessuto i cui fili di ordito sono completamente coperti da fili di trama discontinui. Ciò costituisce un riferimento ragionevolmente rigoroso sull’arte dell’arazzo tradizionale nonostante sia lasciata aperta la possibilità all’innovazione, alla sperimentazione attraverso materiali non convenzionali. ARTAPESTRY3 include anche opere progettate e tessute con il processo del jacquard digitale ma con la clausola che il filo di trama sia passato manualmente.
Le passate edizioni di ARTAPESTRY1, 2 sono state presentate presso Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum in Aalborg, Krefeld Deutsches Textilmuseum in Germania, Luleå Konsthall in Svezia, Musée Jean Lurçat de la Tapisserie Contemporain de Angers in Francia, e la giuria composta da: Edit Andras (storica dell’arte e giornalista, Budapest), Wlodzimierz Cygan (artista dell’arazzo e professore, Lodz, Polonia), Annika Ekdahl (artista dell’arazzo e docente, Svezia), Fiona Mathison (artista dell’arazzo e docente, Edinburgo/Scozia/UK), Bernard Schotter (amministratore di Les Gobelins, Francia), Archie Brennan (artista dell’arazzo, UK/US), Shelly Goldsmith (artista dell’arazzo e docente, UK), Jan Groth (artista e designer dell’arazzo, Norvegia), Marcel Marois (artista dell’arazzo e docente, Canada), Nina Hobolth (curatore, lettore, direttore del Museo di Arte Moderna di Aalborg, Danimarca).
Artisti selezionati: Carmen Groza (B), Eva Brodská (CS), Renata Roszivalova (CS), Margrethe Agger (DK), Annette Bredstrup (DK), Lise Frølund (DK), Mette Hansen (DK), Ane Henriksen (DK), Ulrikka Mokdad (DK), Sanne Ransby (DK), Randi Studsgarth (DK), Grethe Sørensen (DK), Ariadna Donner (FIN), Aino Kajaniemi (FIN), Inka Kivalo (FIN), Marie-Thumette Brichard (F), Katherine Lavocat (F), Sarah Perret (F), Christine Altona (D), Thomas Cronenberg (D), Peter Horn (D), Hanneke van Spaendonck (D), Iska van Kempen-Jarnicka (NL), Federica Luzzi (I), Iveta Vecanáne (LV), Feliksas Jakubauskas (LT), Brita Been (N), Dorthe Herup (N), Ann Naustdal (N), Anne Stabell (N), Kristin Sæterdal (N), Unn Sönju (N), Fiona Hutchison (Scotland), Joanne Soroka (Scotland), Eva-Britt Rosenqvist (S), Kirsten Glasbrook (UK), Anne Jackson (UK) og Jane Freear-Wyld (UK).
Il catalogo a colori in lingua inglese è disponibile
Opening: 17 Maggio 2012, ore 13.00
La mostra è aperta nei giorni: Martedì – Domenica Dalle ore 10 alle ore 17
KunstCentret Silkeborg Bad
Gjessøvej 40, 8600 Silkeborg – Denmark
Telephone: 86 81 63 29 – Fax: 86 81 63 19 – E-mail:
Per informazioni su ETF
Thomas Cronenberg
Anet Brusgaard
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