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By the lakeside Fourteenth meeting of THE MOST BEAUTIFUL KUNSTHALLE IN THE WORLD A project for the Contemporary Arts Centre of Como November 4 2011, 6 pm Fondazione Antonio Ratti – Villa Sucota, Como The fourteenth encounter of The most beautiful Kunsthalle in the world will see as protagonists the

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Zlatko Cvetovic Nucleus

2011 MINIARTEXTIL COMO ENERGHEIA 24 September 2011 – 20 November 2011 Chiesa di San Francesco Download testo di Luciano Caramel Eνέργεια, Energia, Énergie, Εnergy “Energheia” is a Greek word used by Aristotele which means “efficient action and ability to act”. Energy is also defined as the body’s or systems’ ability

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Another story Italian art: from the 1980s through the dawn of the 21st century Italian art is generally represented abroad by single individuals, often separated from the global context of an extremely variegated territory. Therefore, it is important to work towards revealing those little known aspects of our national scenario,

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Susan Hiller ‘Psi Girls’, 1999 Video installation: 5 synchronised programmes, 5 projections, colour with stereo sound, real-time audio processing. Programme duration 20 minutes Dimensions variable

The Dream Seminar II XVII Advanced Course in Visual Arts 28 June – 26 July 2011, Como Visiting professor Susan Hiller 14 July 2011 The Provisional Texture of Reality open lecture by Susan Hiller and Opening of the Susan Hiller’s personal exhibition at Spazio Culturale Antonio Ratti From June 28

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Biennale di VeneziaCOMOVENICE

The most beautiful Kunsthalle in the World for once in Venice Italian Non-profit Ninth meeting Organized with the collaboration of IUAV and Nomas Foundation, Rome. June 1 2011 at 2.30 pm, Aula B, ex-Convento delle Terese, IUAV, Dorsoduro 2206 I-30123 Venice Italian Non-Profit, the tenth encounter of the project of

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