Véra Amsellem présente
Les sculptures murales de
Vernissage en présence de l’artiste
Jeudi 3 novembre 2011, a partir de 19h00
Exposition du 3 novembre au 3 décembre 2011
Du lundi au samedi, sauf le mercredi, 14h à 19h00 – Et le matin sur rendez-vous
Galerie Véra Amsellem
48, rue du Roi de Sicile, 75004 Paris – Tel : +33 1 40 29 47 34 –
Parkings : Hôtel de Ville et Baudoyer, rue de Rivoli
Métro : Hôtel de Ville et Saint-Paul
The gallery Vera Amsellem
from October 27 to December 3, 2011
Wall sculptures of Laurent Chabolle
Vera Amsellem presents in his gallery of the 48 Street from the King of Sicily in Paris (4th) an exhibition dedicated to Laurent Chabolle wall sculptures, from October 27 to November 26.
Laurent Chabolle, French painter and sculptor, working sheet abandoned for many years and introduces color four or five years. It proposes for the Gallery Vera Amsellem one set of wall sculptures of extreme delicacy, dedicated to the nature and landscapes.
The exhibition will include a twenty pieces of formats very various (of 192 x 120 cm 29 x 45 cm). Murals, free or framed, sculptures are part of a universe of landscapes, “portraits of flowers” very stained edges of sea, pontoons, houses, cabins, of tours…
Laurent Chabolle uses as material sheet of recovery that it cut, glue and soda, and then painted in acrylic before placing in his garden for oxidation which reveals the memory and the fragility of the material. He sometimes added small pieces of colored plastic or wood.
Each sculpture is a lace of sheet metal, with its cuts, its veins, its folds and its holes. All struck by the contrast between the raw material and the extreme fineness of the work of painting and sculpture. Wall sculptures of Laurent Chabolle play on the delicate balance of the full and the vacuum: the light pierces and the artist thus gives shape and life to an inert material.
Laurent Chabolle, if it is dependent on material, very quickly guess the work volume, movement and light and we made the gift.
Opening of the exhibition on Thursday 3 November from 7: 00 pm.
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