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Jim Lambie, photo by Luca Viola
Art FairsDesignLONDONPARISPhotographytexts

LONDON, AWAY WITH THE FAIRS… Frieze Art Fair 2011 Regent’s Park, London. October 2011. Text by Francesca Di Fraia For the ninth year in a row, the Frieze Art Fair opens its gates to the international public. Only twenty years ago, frieze was a fledgling international art journal founded by two recent

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Christian Dotremont (Tervuren 1922 - Tervuren 1979) par voie d’origine, ca. 1968 Red ink on paper 178 x 270 mm.

Christian Dotremont Logogrammes 12 October 2011 – 2 January 2012 Galerie d’Art Graphique Centre Pompidou Place Georges Pompidou, 75191 Paris cedex 04 – téléphone 00 33 (0)1 44 78 12 33 – Text by Vittoria Biasi – translated by Salvatore Rollo.  All Texts are 1F mediaproject copyright. All Rights Reserved. The

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INDIAN_HermaUpadhyay_8 feet x 12 feet_CourtesyChemouldPrescottRoadMumbai

Text by Vittoria Biasi – translated by Salvatore Rollo.  All Texts are 1F mediaproject copyright. All Rights Reserved. INDIAN HIGHWAY September 22, 2011 – January 29, 2012 NATIONAL MUSEUM OF 21st– CENTURY ARTS – MAXXI, ROME It has been a long wait and aroused curiosity into the western sensitivity

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Jake-Or-Dinos-Chapman-1 Mason's Yard

Jake or Dinos Chapman. White Cube Mason’s Yard & Hoxton Square, London 15 Jul—17 Sep 2011 Text by Francesca Di Fraia Probably the only ones of the Young British Artists group that did not graduate at the Goldmiths Art College, Jake and Dinos Chapman return to  East London with a

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textsvideo film & live performances

Motion in the making – Text by Bruno di Marino The film imagery of an artist like Antonello Matarazzo is, can’t not be strongly affected by the author’s early pictorial background. The accuracy of his gaze together with the need for a gesture, always a clear and peremptory one, by

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Brave new world Shin Won-sam – Solo exhibition Opening reception: 2011.7.30 (SAT) pm 6.00 Date: 2011.7.30 (SAT) | 8.25 8( THR) 11:00 am – 6:00 pm (weekdays) | 8:00 pm (weekend) | Closed on Monday Gallery MOA – Seoul (Korea) – Tel. 031.9493309 – SHIN WON-sam’s NEW WORLD Text

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Invasion/Not-invasion Text by Vittoria Biasi – Curator and Art Critic The installation Invasion/ not-invasion originates from artist’s real experience: simple or specialist objects give raise to a source of  truth, enhanced and deprived of structure during its reiteration course. Their images impressed on transparent sheets transform the daily life into

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Joseph Beuys


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Congress & MeetingsFONTAINEBLEAUtexts

Festival de l’histoire de l’art Fontainebleau, 27 – 29 mai 2011 Dossier de presse (PDF) Text by Vittoria Biasi In the course of the events and socio political shifts, the remarks on the art as an experience and knowledge of a human pathway, open the conscience to a new

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dall'affresco raff. San Luca evangelista, eseguito da Andrea Delitio (secolo XV) Duomo di Atri (TE).

I BUONI COLORI DI UNA VOLTA di Sergio Paolo Diodato Ricettario fotografico per conoscere e fabbricare pigmenti, leganti, vernici e materiali artistici antichi, direttamente dai trattati medievali. Edizioni Menabò 2010, Via Roma 88, 66026. Ortona – CH Testo di Vittoria Biasi – All Texts are 1F mediaproject copyright. All

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Art directionsBookstexts

“WATT SENZA ALTERNATIVA”: A MATERIAL UNIVERSE IN A DIGITAL WORLD Welcome to the Retro Future, forget the age of PDF literature and ditch your e-whatever: come gather ‘round, all you “craftmanship perverts” still in love with the magic of ink-on-paper… but watch out. This is a stereo ride where writers

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parco dai ruderi_della_memoria

The Remembrance Park at San Giuliano di Puglia Text by Valentina Piscitelli Eight years after the tragic event that profoundly touched Italy, San Giuliano renews the memory of the 27 kids and their teacher perished under the ruins of their collapsed school with an architectural element which thoughtfully addresses the

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Sfiorerai il mio destino come una farfalla
textsTheatre & Dance

SFIORERAI IL MIO DESTINO COME UNA FARFALLA* Written and directed by Raffaele Curi Experiments – Alda Fendi’s Foundation Ex Mercato Ebraico del Pesce – Rome 13-18 April 2011 Text by Roberta d’Errico When the enormous doorway of the ex-Hebraic Fish Market is opened, we hear an overpowering music from the

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taranta 3

Barbara Schaefer Assenza Presenza (Absence Presence) Mostra fotografica presentata da Vittoria Biasi e Ruggero Passeri Museo Comunale d’Arte Moderna di Senigallia Dal 6 al 28 Maggio 2011 – Inaugurazione venerdì 6 Maggio, ore 21 – Worlds of White Light Text by Vittoria Biasi – All Texts are 1F mediaproject copyright.

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Girls dancing in a procession at Santiniketan, by Shambhu Shaha. From Faces & Places of Visva-Bharati: A Collection of Photographs, by Shambhu Shaha, 2nd edn., Visva-Bharati Publishing Department, Kolkata, 2008. Rabindra Bhavana Acc. No. SS584.
BooksNEW DELHItexts

  Something Old, Something New: Rabindranath Tagore 150th Anniversary Volume edited by Pratapaditya Pal Text by Vittoria Biasi – All Texts are 1F mediaproject copyright. All Rights Reserved. During 1961 celebrating the centennial of Rabindranath Tagore’s birthday (1861-1941)- Nobel prizewinning for the literature – Mr. Mulk Raj Anand, Marg publisher,

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Jan Fabre, The brain of a killer, 2011 ,silicone, peinture et verre, base en bois, 32,4 x 25 x 18 cm Courtesy Galerie Daniel Templon, Paris , Photo : Pat Verbruggen, ©Angelos

Jan Fabre Chimères 14 April | 21 May GALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON 30 rue Beaubourg / Impasse Beaubourg – 75003 Paris  / T : +33 (0)1 42 72 14 10 / / Lundi-samedi 10h-19h / Monday-Saturday 10am-7pm Text by Vittoria Biasi – All Texts are 1F mediaproject copyright. All

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Grimmless Locandina
textsTheatre & Dance

GRIMMLESS Ricci/Forte Group Teatro India – Rome March 29 – April 02, 2011 Text by Roberta d’Errico Elitist, spiritual, brutal are the adjectives peculiar to the performance played by Ricci/Forte’s. Elitist means that the audience watching a Ricci/Forte’s performance must not be necessarily an educated or an intellectual person, but

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Bice Curiger Direttore della 54. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte – la Biennale di Venezia Director of 54th International Art Exhibition – la Biennale di Venezia Photo: Francesco Galli Courtesy: la Biennale di Venezia
Biennale di VeneziatextsVENICE

la Biennale di Venezia 54th International Art Exhibition ILLUMInazioni – ILLUMInations Venice (Giardini and Arsenale), June 4th – November 27th, 2011 Preview June 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 2011 Text by Vittoria Biasi – translated by Salvatore Rollo.  All Texts are 1F mediaproject copyright. All Rights Reserved. An Enlightening Biennial The

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Chiamata di San Matteo

Text by Vittoria Biasi – All Texts are 1F mediaproject copyright. All Rights Reserved. For the quatercentenary celebrations of the death-day of Caravaggio (1611), the Soprintendenza speciale per il Polo Museale directed by Rossella Vodret together with the National Committee for the celebrations of Caravaggio have started a study upon

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ROMEtextsTheatre & Dance

ANDERSEN 2011 THE TALES THAT ARE NOT THE FABLES KAOS Company Teatro Il Vascello, Rome 24 March  –  03 April 2011 Emanuela Ponzano Director Text by Roberta d’Errico A feeling of wonder  informs the show of the young actress and director Emanuela Ponzano:  wonder to unveil how the remark on

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Carlo Bernardini, ArtLight Festival, Berlino 2010

DELLORO ARTE CONTEMPORANEA – BERLIN OPENING Saturday 26th February – h. 19:00 Karl Liebknecht Straße 5 – Berlin | Light routes – Text by Vittoria Biasi I met Carlo Bernardini at the beginning of his artistic career, when he was exhibiting the “bi-dimensional sculptures” in which the

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La bambina...sembra lei a fotografare il fotografo

Kami, la missione dell’energia Terna S.p.A. Silvana Editoriale, 2010 Idea e progetto Direzione Relazioni Esterne e Comunicazione (REC) Terna Fotografie: Daniele Tamagni Testi: Roberto Cotroneo Text by Vittoria Biasi The Bolivia’s poorest place, Kami,  where the outbreak of diseases and the low scholastic-education level are the daily realty, the life

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Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), Untitled (Figures in Sepia). Photo: Sotheby's.

Fakes in the time of Tagore frenzy: finger of fraud at art college show SOUMITRA DAS Page url: By Tagore or not by Tagore, that is no longer the question. The thriving cottage industry in churning out fake paintings has invaded the Government College of Art & Craft, where

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SEI STORIE di Guglielmo Gigliotti In copertina: TIRELLI, PIZZI CANNELLA, CECCOBELLI, NUNZIO, GALLO, DESSI’ – Foto di Claudio Abate Introduzione Luca Massimo Barbero Edizioni CARTE SEGRETE 2011 Via Tiburtina, 141 – 00185 Roma Tel. +39 0694518387 – Email: Recensione di Vittoria Biasi I tempi ritornano ricchi di nuovi percorsi

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