Post Archive

Gennaio 2013

Shozo Shimamoto
Events Our beloved avant-garde artist Shozo Shimamoto left us on the 25th of January 2013 at the age of 85. The family attended a private and intimate funeral today (Jan 27). A memorial event will be held in Japan in the first half of March. Thank you to all who

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FIRENZETheatre & Dance

Per informazioni 055/621894 lun. e ven. 10-12 giov. 16.30-18.30 oppure – Teatro Comunale Antella – Via Montisoni, 10 – Bagno a Ripoli (FI)   MARTHA E RAYMOND testo e regia di Chiara Guarducci con Antonio Branchi e Sonia Coppoli SABATO 19 GENNAIO – ORE 21 disegno luci Giordano

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Lisson e-invites

Carmen Herrera Works on Paper 2010 – 2012 25 January – 15 March 2013 Via Zenale 3, Milan Lisson Gallery Milan presents an exhibition of new works on paper by Carmen Herrera. Herrera produced a number of paintings on paper throughout the 1960s, but subsequently focused on canvas until revisiting

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ANDREA VILIANI PARLA DELL’OPERA DI GOSHKA MACUGA ‘Of what is, that it is; of what is not, that is not’, 2012 Mercoledì 23 gennaio ore 18.30 Sala 1 3° appuntamento del ciclo di conferenze 1972-2012: 5 opere per 40 anni a cura di Vincenzo De Bellis Goshka Macuga si appropria

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sculpture network New Year’s Brunch 2013 (nyb’13) International Celebration of Contemporary Sculpture Alessandra Porfidia in cooperation with Vittoria Biasi Studio Alessandra Porfidia Via del Banco di S. Spirito 50- 00186, Rome Sunday 20 January 2013, 11.00 AM (CET) – 18:00 PM The fourth edition of sculpture network’s New Year’s Brunch,

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SOPHIE HATIER  Photographies Galerie Djeziri-Bonn Linard Editions Vernissage: Jeudi 13 Décembre 2012 de 18h à 21h Du 14 Décembre au 2 Février 2013 Ouverture: mardi-samedi 11h/19h 47, rue de Turenne, 75003 Paris   Les contemplation suspendues. Les photographies de Sophie Hatier sont un insidieux appel au voyage. Pas une

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View of the exhibition Lionel Estève "To the Rain", Galerie Perrotin, Hong Kong.

Lionel Estève “To the Rain” Opening Friday 18 January 2013 / 6 – 8 pm 18 January – 2 March 2013 Galerie Perrotin, Hong Kong – To the Rain. A wet image. It’s always after the event that I understand the deeper meaning of my work. Not that automatic

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Congress & MeetingsEventsNEW YORK

BRURAL: Peripheral Vision will open in The Active Space in Bushwick (566 Johnson Ave at the corner of Stewart and Johnson) This Friday,  January 18, 2013, (7-9pm) Curated By Guest curator from Yekaterinburg (Russia) Daria Kostina artist/curator from Brooklyn Irina Danilova Featured Artists: (US and New York premiere of)

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Espacios Sensibles: Concepto Pasado Date: Wednesday 16/01/2013 Into: Encuentro de poesía, artes plásticas y arquitectura Place: Espacio Ricardo Lorenzo (COACAN) Time: 20.00h. Organisation: Fundación Santander Creativa. Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Cantabria. Prices: Free. Espacios Sensibles es una actividad cultural que busca lugares de encuentro entre diferentes sensibilidades del conocimiento

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Trittico Primarosa Cesarini Sforza – Lea Contestabile – Susana Talayero Introduction by Silvia Bordini and Francesca Gallo January 11 – February 8,  2013 – Roma A characteristic of art today, within the variety of practices and of languages, lies in its ability to ask questions: questions that do not

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”RSI Knot”, 2012, Mirrored glass, stainless steel, 157 x 147 x 75 cm / 61 3/4 x 57 3/4 x 29 1/2 inches. Simulation Othoniel Studio - © Adagp, Paris 2013

Johan Creten “The Vivisector” Opening Saturday 12 January 2013 / 4 – 9 pm 12 January – 23 February 2013 Galerie Perrotin, Paris Galerie Perrotin presents Johan Creten’s solo show “The Vivisector” from 12th of January to the 23rd of February 2013. Johan Creten discovers the hidden power of earth

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MILANvideo film & live performances

Cecilia Freschini ✦ 茜茜 Founder & Director at Lab-Yit | 意大利当代艺术展示平台 The Italian Contemporary Art Platform in China M: CN +86 18201192021 | IT +39 348 7960074 E: | W: | Facebook: Position the cursor on the images to view captions, click on images to

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Projects 99: Meiro Koizumi January 09, 2013–May 06, 2013 Posted on November 1, 2012 Projects Gallery, second floor Working in video and performance, Meiro Koizumi (Gunma, Japan, b. 1976) has built a compelling body of work that deals with power dynamics on scales from the familial to the national,

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2nd flash story di Paolo Ottai LA LOTTA AL CRIMINE IN TEMPI DI CRISI Nella centrale operativa era suonato l’allarme: c’era stata una rapina nella sede centrale della banca d’Italia. Dopo la rapina, i criminali si erano diretti di corsa verso la più vicina fermata, e stavano aspettando l’autobus, con

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© ROSTA József / Ludwig Múzeum - Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum Adattára © József ROSTA / Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art, Archives
BUDAPESTLudwig Museum

The Other Half of the Sky. Selection from the Ludwig Museum’s Collection The exhibition features István Csákány’s installation Ghost Keeping (2012), commissioned by dOCUMENTA (13) The realization of the installation was supported by: Horváth Művészeti Alapítvány, Budapest; Somlói Zsolt / Spengler Katalin; Szauer Péter; Málnay B. Levente; Dénes Andrea /

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GALERIE MARIA LUND 48 rue de Turenne – 75003 Paris – France tél. (+33) 01 42 76 00 33 – fax (+33) 01 42 76 00 10 – accrochage4 > 8 janvier 2013 dessin – peinture – découpage Il est encore temps de découvrir une sélection d’oeuvres de:

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Quartiers Créatifs, Stefan Shankland Quartier des Hauts-­‐de-­‐Mazargue Crédit photographique: Sylvain Duffard

1st JANUARY – 31 DECEMBER 2013 MARSEILLE-PROVENCE 2013 – EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE Marseille-Provence has been selected to be the European Capital of Culture in 2013. All year long, hundreds of cultural and artistic events will take place throughout the Provence region: in Aix-en-Provence, Arles, Aubagne, Gardanne, Istres, La Ciotat, Martigues,

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