Posts In Category


BOOK: Caterina Davinio, Fenomenologie seriali/Serial Phenomenologies, Campanotto 2010

BOOK: Fenomenologie seriali / Serial Phenomenologies AUTHOR: Caterina Davinio PUBLISHER: Campanotto – YEAR: 2010 DESCRIPTION: Poems 1999-2008, with parallel English text. English translation by Caterina Davinio and David W. Seaman. Afterword by Francesco Muzzioli. With a critical note by the translator: David W. Seaman. The latest book by Caterina Davino,

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Le Pareti Di-Segno Racconti, passioni e i voyeurs del tempo OMAR GALLIANI Mostra + live performance a cura di Maurizio Vanni 14 dicembre 2010 | 23 gennaio 2011 Lu.C.C.A. Museum / sala Lounge e Underground Via della Fratta, 36 – Lucca – tel. 0583 571712 / fax 0583 950499

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ROMEtextsTheatre & Dance

Eduardo, più unico che raro! One-act plays of – Atti unici di Eduardo De Filippo 26 December 2010 – 09 January 2011 Ambra Jovinelli’s theatre – Rome   Text by Roberta d’Errico “As long as a blade of grass will grow on earth, a fake one will be on

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ROMEtextsTheatre & Dance

  Some Disordered Christmas Interiors Geometries Compagni Ricci/Forte FONDAZIONE ALDA FENDI  – ESPERIMENTI Roma – Foro Traiano, 1 – Text by Roberta d’Errico It has been played out Ricci/Forte’s latest ideation, the nationwide première “Some Disordered Christmas Interiors Geometries” at Foro Traiano’s Silo from 08 on to 15 December

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OLIVO BARBIERI selected works 1978-2010 curated by Luca Panaro December 4, 2010 – January 9, 2011 Palazzo dei Pio, Carpi (Modena) Opening Saturday, 4th December 2010, at 6pm Download text The inverted Disneyland by Olivo Barbieri Text catalogue site specific_NY 07 english On Saturday, the 4th of December 2010, the

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ROMEtextsTheatre & Dance

ELEONORA DUSE’S TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD 3rd December 2010  –  23rd January 2011 Complesso del Vittoriano – Quadreria Via San Pietro in Carcere – Rome 15 March 2011 – 17 April 2011 Exhibition Il viaggio di Eleonora Duse intorno al mondo Florence, Teatro alla Pegola The exhibition, curated by Maurizio

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“Il disegno è in scena” OMAR GALLIANI 25 November | 19 December 2010 Foyer Teatro India Via Luigi Pierantoni, 6 – Roma Text by Vittoria Biasi The drawing is on stage exhibited by Omar Galliani at the Art Gallery ARTRIBU’ and edited by Carlo Proietti is an opportunity to get

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KINETIC AND PROGRAMMATIC ART – THE ART OF MOVEMENT Exhibition by Lucilla Meloni Opening: Sunday 21st november 2010 from 11:00 to 14:00 21ST November 2010 – 12nd February 2011 Edieuropa Gallery – QUI arte contemporanea Opening hours: 11,00 – 19:00. Closed on Monday and Holidays. Tel. 06 64760172 – Fax

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OVER THE UNDER Manhole Art tells the story of a Cabled City SOPRA IL SOTTO Tombini Art raccontano la Città Cablata Open air exhibition November 2010 – December 2011 Via MonteNapoleone, Milan Inauguration Thursday 18th November 2010 Position the cursor on the images to view captions, click on images to

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Tokyo Landscape – The exhibition Antonio Saba – Gianluca Floris Opening 30 October – h: 12 a.m. 31 October | 21 November 2010 Museo Carlo Bilotti, Viale Fiorello La Guardia – Rome Oriental meeting | Text by Vittoria Biasi ANTONIO SABA – GIANLUCA FLORIS THE EXHIBITION TOKYO LANDSCAPE Antonio Saba

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Montemartini A Centre of Notes 29 October 2010 – 8 January 2011 Cinema Music and Unplugged Sala Macchine of the Centrale Montemartini Via Ostiense 106 – 00154 Roma (Italy) Text by Vittoria Biasi The evening programme for the Centre Montemartini was set in the exciting scenario of the Engines Room,

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EventsROMEStudio.ravideo film & live performances

On October 9, 2010, 6th Day of Contemporary Art, organized by AMACI RO.MI. and STUDIO.RA – Rome Presents VIDEOART-CONTAMINATION 4 The fourth show VIDEOART-CONTAMINATION continue to be characterized by the proposed video artists, content and styles as varied as a mirror of our complex contemporary reality. Will take place in

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GALLERIA NAZIONALE D’ARTE MODERNA Museo Hendrik C. Andersen – Via P. S. Mancini, 20 – Roma Lucia Romualdi WORK VARIATION _K10_NEWPORT 33  (variazione op.K10°_n Newport ) Light’s score by optical machianry (partitura di luce per macchinari ottici) 2010 Ivan Fedele, due notturni con figura – electrophones and piano concerto, 2010 Giornata

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EventsROMEStudio.ravideo film & live performances

THE MADRIGAL OF THE EXPLOSION OF THE WISE WHALE 2010 (30’.15’’) video-projected performances in Spanish by Filippos Tsitsopoulos Saturday, 9th October 2010, 7-9 p.m. (6th Day of Contemporary Art promoted by AMACI, the Association for Contemporary Art) STUDIO.RA by Raffaella Losapio Via Bartolomeo Platina 1F 00179 Rome – Italy

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GAMeC THE PRIVATE MUSEUM. The passion for contemporary art in the collections in Bergamo 06.10.2010 – 09.01.2011 Curated by Giacinto Di Pietrantonio and M. Cristina Rodeschini Opening: 5 October 2010, 6:30pm Dedicating an exhibition to contemporary art collecting in the city of Bergamo and its territory twenty years after the

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GenerAction Galleria di Arti Visive dell’Università del Melo Via Magenta 3 – Gallarate (VA) ITALY Opening: October 2 at 6.00 pm 2 – 29 October 2010 Open every day from 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm (included sunday) Informations: +39 0331.708224 – +39 320.9621497 e-mail: – GeneraAction_com.stampa GenerAction a

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ArchitectureBiennale di VeneziaVENICE

  La Biennale di Venezia 12th International Architecture Exhibition People meet in architecture Venice (Giardini and Arsenale), August 29th –November 21st 2010 Preview August, 26th-27th-28th 2010 AILATI by Luca Molinari Taken from the catalogue “AILATI. RIFLESSI DAL FUTURO” published by Skira What can we expect from the Italian Pavilion

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MAXXI Via Guido Reni – 00196 Roma Download MAXXI_Opening BBC News – Maxxi modern art gallery opens to the public in Rome Rome, April 2010 – 27, 28 and 29 May 2010: a three-day opening for MAXXI, the National Museum of XXI Century Arts designed by Zaha Hadid and which

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Presentazione del libro Architetture del bianco di Vittoria Biasi Gangemi Editore, Roma 2009 MLAC – Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea Università Sapienza Piazzale Aldo Moro 5  00185 Roma Coordina: Valentina Piscitelli – architetto Intervengono: gli artisti Jacopo Benci, Antonia Di Giulio, Isabelle Fordin, Ida Gerosa, Anna Onesti, Roberto Pietrosanti, Paolo

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110 Allestimento della Mostra Donato Di Zio. Dentro al Pelago, a cura di Gillo Dorfles, al Museo d'Arte Moderna Vittoria Colonna di Pescara, 2006

Donato Di Zio inside the “Pool” Museo d’Arte Moderna Vittoria Colonna – Pescara (Italy) February 15 – March 5, 2006 Text by Gillo Dorfles Who knows if Donato Di Zio, from the “pool” in which for years, he has always been immersed will ever finally reach the shore? Or maybe

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