Post Archive

Giugno 2012

PEREGRINATIO 2012- Sagunto Valencia- Cur. Fernando Castro Flores- Filippos Tsitsopoulos

Curator FERNANDO CASTRO FLORES – Coordinator TOMAS RUIZ SAN ROQUE CHAPEL – Filippos Tsitsopoulos Sagunto with the antient theatre festival in Valencia, in Spain, gets this summer again a new edition of “Peregrinatio: Art in the chapels”, whose diverse artistic installations will be able to be seen,  from today 22

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Silvano Toti Globe Theatre
Theatre & Dance

SHAKESPEARE IN GLOBE La stagione 2012 del Silvano Toti Globe Theatre Direzione artistica Gigi Proietti Il 27 giugno parte la nuova stagione dell’unico teatro elisabettiano in Italia, nel cuore di Villa Borghese Roma, 15 giugno 2012 THE SILVANO TOTI HISTORY Con l’arrivo dell’estate si accendono nuovamente i riflettori del Silvano

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Exhibition “It’s the Political Economy, Stupid” June 27-September 30, 2012 Contemporary Art Center of Thessaloniki, Greece (Warehouse B1, Thessaloniki port area) Opening: Wednesday June 27th, 20:30 The CACT will be closed August 11-27, 2012 Download pdf CURATORS’ TEXT A new international exhibition, under the striking title “It’s the Political Economy,

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24 GIUGNO 2012 CONCERTO DI SAN GIOVANNI  “PHILIPPINES – ITALY FRIENDSHIP” ORCHESTRA AGIMUS ARTE  – DIRETTORE RUGGERO BARBIERI PRENOTAZIONI E INFORMAZIONI: 055 4628848  –  055 4970324 In occasione del 65° Anniversario delle Relazioni Diplomatiche fra Italia e Filippine, si terrà domenica 24 giugno 2012 alle ore 16,00 al Teatro Verdi

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MACRO Enel Room – Rome NEON. La materia luminosa dell’arte 21.06.2012 — 04.11.2012 Opening of NEON, exhibition that brings to MACRO works from more than fifty international artists (such as Dan Flavin, Joseph Kosuth, Tracey Emin, Alfredo Jaar, Maurizio Nannucci and Maurizio Cattelan), who have made of this simple

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SUCCÈS DE L’EXPOSITION « MATISSE. PAIRES ET SÉRIES » AU CENTRE POMPIDOU 495 000 VISITEURS L’exposition « Matisse. Paires et séries » vient de fermer ses portes et se classe comme la sixième exposition la plus fréquentée du Centre Pompidou. Depuis le 7 mars, près de 495 000 visiteurs,

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Après cinq ans d’absence en France, le jeune peintre berlinois Ulrich Lamsfuss (né en 1971) fait son retour en France à la Galerie Daniel Templon avec une nouvelle série de peintures hyperréalistes et déstabilisantes, qui interrogent la notion d’originalité. Celui qui se décrit comme un “post picture artist” poursuit son

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A l’occasion de l’anniversaire de sa première exposition à la Galerie Templon en 1982, Jean-Michel Alberola propose “Trente ans”, une installation mêlant peintures sur papier, mur peint et néon. Cette exposition d’œuvres inédites répond à la grande “Salle des instructions” réalisée par l’artiste, récemment dévoilée au nouveau Palais de Tokyo

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Lee Jin Woo Sans titre pigments, charbon de bois et papier Hanji 2012 19,5 x 25 cm K97132

LEE JIN WOO Wall – Mur painting                                                                                                                     5.05 – 23.06.2012 GALERIE MARIA LUND – Paris OPENING: Saturday 5th May 2012 from 5pm to 8pm, the artist will be present. The exhibition ends Saturday 23rd June 2012. EXCEPTIONALLY the gallery will be

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JEFF KOONS THE PAINTER & THE SCULPTOR 20 June – 23 September, 2012 Press preview: Tuesday, 19 June, 2012, 11 am. The preview will begin at the Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt and continue at the Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung. Transportation will be provided. This summer, the Schirn Kunsthalle and the Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung will

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© Gerhard Richter, 2012, Reader 1994 © Gerhard Richter Courtesy San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

Gerhard Richter – View A retrospective exhibition Centre Pompidou – Paris June 6 – September 24 Text by Vittoria Biasi – English by esserre The Centre Pompidou through the exhibition of Gerhard Richter-View, celebrates the 80th anniversary of German artist (1932), as an appreciation for his intellectual and pictorial

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LONDONvideo film & live performances

Yoko Ono 19 June – 9 September 2012 Serpentine Gallery, Kensington Gardens, London, W2 3XA  In Summer 2012 the Serpentine Gallery will present a major exhibition of the work of celebrated artist Yoko Ono for the London 2012 Festival, which will include SMILE, a large-scale participatory project. The Serpentine’s timely exhibition will

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Dalla e basta LUGHIA

Dalla L a Dalla Spam Art, InsightSpaceGallery and the Theater of the Navile dedicated an exhibition tribute to composer Lucio Dalla who died recently. Many of the characters of the phrases that make up the texts of his songs can be close to the issues of what we call a

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Carlo Bernardini
Congress & Meetings

La luce e i suoi percorsi passionali Giovedì 14 Giugno 2012 ore 9,15 – 11,30 Patrizia Magli, Angela Vettese Presentazione del convegno e saluti Eva Ogliotti, Alberto Pasetti Introduzione Chair Eva Ogliotti Jorge Lozano Yves Hersant Ombra e Luce secondo Leonardo Da Vinci Guido Ferraro Metafisica e surrealtà nella pratica

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Daniel Buren, Excentrique(s), travail in situ, 2012, Monumenta, Grand Palais, Paris

Text by Vittoria Biasi – English by esserre EXCENTRIQUE(S) – DANIEL BUREN – GRAND PALAIS – PARIS The architecture of the aisle inside the Grand Palais at Paris inspires the specific site work of Daniel Buren through the project Monumenta, occurrence proposed every year. During 2007 it was Kiefer, during

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Art FairsBASEL

  The Solo Project 2012, Basel Jun 13, 2012 – Jun 17, 2012 LOCATION the-solo-project Basel 2010 St Jakobshalle Bürglingerstrasse 19-21 4052 Basel Switzerland Switzerland the-solo-project was set up by Paul Kusseneers Gallery in Antwerp and is supported by an array of established galleries. By addressing some key qualities,

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VISUALIZZARTE (videoart) POLLINATIONS LONDON BIENNALE 2012 9-10 june 2012 Inauguration opening: Saturday 9 june (17 pm) Inaugurazione: Sabato 9 giugno (ore 17) Museo del Vetro Rustico Villa Draghi Montegrotto Terme (Pd) – Italy The director of the Museum of the Glass of Montegrotto Thermal baths (Giampiero Cudin), organizes event of

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Studio Galleria Embrice Via delle Sette Chiese, 78 – Roma Tel/fax: +39.06.64521396  – presents Post-structures: lines, wires, mazes of Uemon Ikeda curated by Simonetta Lux – Carlo Severati and Carlo Tomassi: video performance “The Tatsuo Childhood” Emma Tagliacollo’s interview to Ikeda From 8th June 2012 to 23rd June 2012

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ANNA ROMANELLO – LONDON REFLECTIONS By Diego Mormorio. Opening on friday 8th June 2012, 18h00 Anna Romanello, internationally acclaimed artist and painter, is presenting her unreleased works at the Centro Documentazione Ricerca Artistica Contemporanea Luigi di Sarro, as part of the exhibition called London Reflections, collecting photographs and other pieces

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Shirazeh Houshiary Lisson Gallery Milan Via Zenale, 3 6 June – 27 July 2012 Shirazeh Houshiary’s work mediates between presence and absence, being and not-being. Utilising various media … painting, sculpture and animation, Houshiary’s work strives to capture the intangible essence that underlies existence. Her compositions of finely wrought skeins

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Yoko Ono Grapefruit, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1970, orginally published in 1964 © Yoko Ono

Yoko Ono Stockholm – 5 June 2012 – 16 September 2012  By the late 1950s, Yoko Ono had already begun creating poetic works in which text, music, performance and experimental painting merge. The exhibition has its starting point in Grapefruit, which Yoko Ono (b. 1933) published in 1964. This

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PRIMO PIANO LIVINGALLERY PHYSIOGNOMIES – The portrait in the Contemporary Art From 2 to 23 June 2012 It opens Saturday, June 2th  at 20.00 the exhibition of contemporary art  “Physiognomies: The Portrait in Contemporary Art”, exhibition conceived and curated by Dores Sacquegna. The portrait is one of the oldest genres

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Lara Favaretto: Just Knocked Out Installation view of Lara Favaretto: Just Knocked Out at MoMA PS1, 2012. Photo: Matthew Septimus.

Exhibition features many of Favaretto’s most important works to-date, as well as a new works, including a site-specific installation that extends through the galleries Lara Favaretto: Just Knocked Out May 3 – September 10, 2012 1st floor, MoMA PS1 – • (Long Island City, NY—May 2, 2012) MoMA

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